I am a fullstack with more experience to websites with frontend, backend and api roles and still in mobile development with flutter.
Create a government system, a booking room application using react js, a helpdesk system with react js, and a car tow booking information system, Basic Calculation of Motor Vehicle Tax Imposition, Indotowing, Website education authorities Administrator Dinas Pendidikan, Website Yayasan Arrohmah and Administrator, Walhi Lampung, Beauty clinic information system, Indonesian Advocates Association website
Create Daily Activity applications and student admission application with laravel technology, javascript, PHP, jquery and collaborate with GIT..
Creating a Scraping Automation application for a website then sent via email created with codeigniter, PHP and python technology..
Satu Nusa College is a private university in Lampung majoring in Information Systems.
Qodr (/ˈkōdər/) is an IT training program and learn non-formal Islamic boarding school.
Vocational high school with a focus on studying networks and computers.
Web Junior Training and Certification Programming